2016 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study

Each year, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) conducts a survey
of state chief information officers (CIOs) to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology
issues facing state government. State CIOs ranked cybersecurity as their top priority in 2014, 2015,
and 2016. Considering that it seems that cybersecurity breaches in both the public and private
sector are consistently splashed across the news, this is understandable.

The newly released 2016 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study asks state chief information security
officers (CISOs) about the status of cybersecurity in their states, as well as their perspectives and
insights. The results are compiled and highlighted in this paper. Specifically the paper finds that:

• Cyber risks and mitigations now have more attention at the governor level and are increasingly
on the governor’s agenda
• Cybersecurity has been woven into the fabric of government operations and sustainability
• Most states indicate an increase in budget; however, funding remains the biggest challenge
• Finding talent is still a challenge, but states are working to win the hearts and minds of their
cyber workforce

Download and read the full report at http://www.nascio.org/stateofcyber/.

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