CI103 Introduction to Cell Phone Investigations

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Investigations, High Tech Crimes, Investigations, Mobile Forensics

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online

This course provides an overview of the two phases of a cell phone investigation: the preservation, extraction, and analysis of data within the phone; and the acquisition and analysis of data external to the phone (call detail records and other information). Students become familiar with several forensic tools currently in use in the field, as well as NW3C’s PerpHound™, a specialized tool that assists in plotting historical cell site locations. Other topics include cell phone components,

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CI101 Understanding Digital Footprints

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Forensics, Cyber Investigations, High Tech Crimes, Investigations

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online


This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individual’s digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, opting out of data aggregator sites, and the consequences of oversharing personal information; as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

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CI091 Introduction to Previewing

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online


This interactive online module provides an overview of the basic concepts behind secure previewing of digital devices. Students become familiar with both onsite and offsite secure previewing, and learn to identify the two states in which a preview can be conducted (live-box and dead-box previewing). At the completion of the course, students will be able to recognize the recommended collection order of volatile data (the “order of volatility”).

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Recovery of Evidence from CCTV Video Recording (RECVR)

Provider: Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC)

Target Audience: Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Investigations

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online

The Recovery of Evidence from CCTV Video Recording (RECVR) is designed to provide the responding officer and/or the investigator with the best practices for recognizing, collecting, and properly transporting sensitive digital video evidence from crime scenes in such a manner that preserves the evidentiary integrity of the video.  Emphasis is placed on collection of evidence, preserving the evidentiary integrity of the video and utilization of correct software to accurately play and review the collected video.

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Social Media Basics

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Investigations

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online

This course introduces learners to the world of social media, including fundamental concepts, trends and benefits for law enforcement organizations. This course examines how the most popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram work, and how people tend to use them. This course also introduces other social media platforms and apps, such as Snapchat and Periscope. There is a strong focus on social media as a tool for law enforcement, including designating a social media officer and establishing an agency social media policy for official and personal use.

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IACP Conference